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                                 CLUBS                                                      SPORTS

French Flag

I am involved with the French Club here at our school. I'm treasurer. We often have candy sales, especially for the holidays. It's a great way to keep up your French and meet new people. A lot of my friends to French Club. Madame Blackledge is also a great teacher! We always have lots of snacks and things to drink as well.

I love being a part of the dance team. I get lots of exercise, and I've made a ton of new friends. We practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 5:00 - 7:15 p.m. We have made up a lot of cool dances and we placed 9th at our first regional competition! It has been a great experience.





One of my favorite things to do is knit. I started knitting when I was in 8th grade. It used to be really hard for me, but it has gotten extremely easy over the years. It's a great way to spend less money on Christmas gifts and it also keeps me busy when I'm bored!

Singing is my absolute FAVORITE thing to do. I sing in the school choir, outside choir groups, at my church, and even in the shower! I take voice lessons and participate in Solo and Ensemble. I love to sing; especially, with all of my really good friends to have fun.