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Hanna and I Hanna and I just met this year when we had our Chemistry
class together. We sat next to each other and talked non-
stop. Hanna and I have completely different
personalities. She likes football and playing sports, while
I would rather shop all day long and try on cute shoes. We
hangout almost every weekend and have sleepovers ever
Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes even both. We share a lot
of the same friends which is nice. This year we are both on
the MSHS Dance Team. We spend a lot of time together
but we never argue. She has to be one of my closest friends
I have ever made at Mona Shores.


Age: 16; School: Mona Shores High School; Grade: 11

Rachel and I Of all my friends, Rachel and I go back the furthest. I met
Rachel when we were in 4th grade. We would sit next to each
other in class and always get in trouble for talking. We have
a lot of really fun times that no one would really understand.
Every time she comes over we always make Baked Macaroni
and Cheese. It is probably our favorite meal of all time.
Often times she will come over and we will hardly speak
we are just that comfortable with each other. We like to watch
movies and used to jump on my trampoline until she broke her
arm one summer. We used to go to summer camp together
and we always just have a lot of fun. We don't hang out as often
as we'd like but we do our best.


Age: 16; School: Mona Shores High School; Grade: 11

Jazzy Burns Jasmine and I have only been friends for a couple months.
We had English together first trimester and kicked it off
from there. We don't really hangout but we talk a lot and
we are always there for each other. We now have French
together and it's nice because we have more time to talk to
each other. We share all of the same friends so sometimes
we will run into each other at the same house or something. We
have nothing in common but that seems to make it easier
for us to get along. It's amazing how good of friends we became
so fast. Jasmine is one of those people that you will never
feel threatened or judged by.


Age: 16; School: Mona Shores High School; Grade: 11

Steffi and I Steffi and I both have extremely powerful personalities.
Hence why we argue so much. But even though we argue we
always know how to make things right again. We often times
don't realize how good of friends we are until something
happens and we both just know that we are best friends. We
hangout every single weekend and always have a great time.
Sleepovers are a mandatory and all we ever eat are pizza
rolls. We just met this year on the MSHS Dance Team and
we love going to practice and having a really great time with
each other. She's a really great friend.


Age: 17; School: Mona Shores High School; Grade: 12

Emily and I Emily Garrett is quite the character. She has a great
personality and is absolutely boy crazy. Her and I started
the knitting club last year. She's an extremely creative
person always knitting projects or sewing new dresses.
When we hangout she always makes really good food.
Especially her chicken taco's. They are to die for. I met
Emily in 7th Grade when we ended up having the same locker
that year. We instantly became best friends and still are
today. We are both extremely obsessed with the Twilight
series and always have something good to talk about.
There's never a dull moment.


Age: 16; School: Mona Shores High School; Grade: 11

Anna and I Anna and I have been friends since 7th Grade. I met her
through my friend Kaylee when we started working at
Maranatha. She lives in Toledo, Ohio during the school year
but lives here in Michigan in a cottage at Maranatha
during the summer. We like to go seadooing together and
layout at the beach all day long. We don't see each other
as often as we like, but we try to get as many visits in as
possible during the school year. Last year, she was a
foreign exchange student in France. When she came back
she skipped her senior year of high school and moved on to
college a year early.


Age: 17; School: University of Toledo; Grade: College Freshman